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Leash Training

Learn to have relaxed walks instead of stressful tugs-of-war with your dog. My methods work with every dog, regardless of breed, size, or previous experiences, whether rescues or purebreds.

I recommend using a body harness and 6-foot leash so you and your dog can walk safely and comfortably.

I can also teach you to use a long line, a longer leash for outdoor adventures, that keeps your dog safe and in compliance with our leash laws.

Receive a 10% discount off a lesson package in exchange for a prong/pinch, choke, or e-collar. Ask how to trade your old equipment for a discount on new training that you and your dog will enjoy!*

*One discount per transaction. If you buy multiple packages, you can receive a discount for each package.


Puppy Training

Set your puppy up for a lifetime of success! Puppy training prevents little problems from becoming big issues. House training, crate training, learning to relax, confidence with new people and experiences (puppy socialization), grooming and body handling, coming when called, leash walking, and more. Lessons are customizable to meet your puppy’s specific needs and to solve common problems like begging, biting, chewing, fear of new things, house training, jumping, and leash pulling.

Puppy training prepares you and your puppy for more advanced skills as they grow.

Receive a 10% discount off a lesson package in exchange for a prong/pinch, choke, or e-collar OR a 5% discount off a lesson package in exchange for an anti-bark collar or a scat mat (deters jumping on furniture and countertops or running through doors). Ask how to trade your old equipment for a discount on new training that you and your puppy will enjoy!*

*One discount per transaction. If you buy multiple packages, you can receive a discount for each package.


Dog Obedience & Manners

Teach your adolescent (6 to 24 months) or adult dog to be a polite member of the family, neighborhood, public park, and visitor to the groomer or vet. Lessons are customizable to solve common problems like barking, begging, chewing, coming when called, confidence building, jumping, leash pulling, and more.

Receive a 10% discount off a lesson package in exchange for a prong/pinch, choke, or e-collar OR a 5% discount off a lesson package in exchange for an anti-bark collar or a scat mat (deters jumping on furniture and countertops or running through doors). Ask how to trade your old equipment for a discount on new training that you and your dog will enjoy!*

*One discount per transaction. If you buy multiple packages, you can receive a discount for each package.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Not sure what you need or where to start? Not sure about me?
Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation to discuss your needs. No risk or obligation.

Why in-home training?

  • You and your puppy or dog will learn faster in your own home without needing to transfer what your dog learns elsewhere to their own home.

  • You and your puppy or dog will learn faster without the distraction of dogs.

  • Your puppy or dog’s behavior will be more relaxed and natural at home than elsewhere.

  • You don’t need to leave home after a long day. I’ll come to you.

  • You won’t feel self-conscious about how you or your dog looks compared to others in a group class.